
President | Anna Gleason
Hi my name is Anna and I’m super excited to be your BESS President this year. My goal for this year is to increase student participation and to improve the overall BREE experience by holding more events that promote socializing, networking, group studying and overall well-being. I really hope that we can have an awesome year together and make up for the time we lost due to COVID 19.

VP External | Simone Cole & Camille Laboisse
Hello guys, we’re Camille and Simone, your co VP-externals this year. We are both in U2. A major part of VP external is organizing the QEC pre-competition at Mac and then sending the victors to the real QEC afterward. This competition is a valuable experience for engineers, so we want to make it good this year.
Pictured: Simone Cole

VP Internal | Isabella Vignuzzi
Hi everyone! My name is Bella (U2), and I am this year's VP Internal. I am super excited to be a part of this year's council, and to meet more people in BREE. As Internal, I am responsible for the planning and organization of the many events that BESS puts on during the year. With so much to look forward to, my goal is to have fun, and have as much student participation as possible! When I’m not in classes, you can certainly find me around campus, so be sure to stop and say hi!

VP Finance | Malik Cherrat
Hey everyone! My name's Malik and this is my third year in bioresource. I'm very excited to be your VP finance this year and I'm looking forward to the responsibilities that come with this position. I'll be overlooking our budget and making sure your money goes towards organizing fun events for everyone but also improving your student experience at Mac! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

VP Industry Affairs | Laeticia Placeres
Hi! My name is Laeticia and I’m very excited to be your VP Industry Affairs this year. I’m a U3 Bioresource engineering student passionate about nature, science, and innovations. My role in BESS is to be the connection between our wonderful program and the engineering industry. I am looking forward to organizing useful workshops and networking events, seeking sponsorships, and making valuable collaborations with various companies. In other words, I want to help create opportunities for students so they can get an internship or have a better sense of career paths from the perspective of professionals or alumni. Feel free to contact me about any suggestions, questions or just to chat. See you around campus! :)

VP University Affairs | Juliette Gauthier
Hi everyone, my name is Juliette and I’m your VP University Affairs! I’m a U3 Bioresource student hoping to specialize in environmental engineering, and I’m very excited to be the liaison between MCSS and BESS this year. My goal is to make sure that communication between both societies is as best as it can be. Feel free to reach out about any concerns, questions or just to chat!
VP Communications | Emily Lafond
Hi, I'm Emily and I'm a U3 Bioresource Engineering student. With the return of in-person classes and activities, I'm looking to make up lost time and get more involved on campus. That is why I'm excited to be your 2022-2023 VP Communications & Services! You can count on me to keep you updated on all BESS (best) events, activities, and merchandise orders. I hope to bring some fresh ideas to the table and I'm open to any suggestions and feedback from our BREE students! Follow us on social media:
Instagram: bessmcgill
Facebook: Bioresource Engineering Student Society

VP Academic | Robin Le Vigouroux
Hey, my name is Robin. I am a U3 BREE student! This year I am your VP-Academics. My role is to identify any issues there could be between your academic experience at Mac campus and the academic body. Besides ensuring an adequate teaching environment, I will also propose new ideas for field trips and careering activities, based on students’ recommendations. In my free time, I love playing sports and hanging out whenever I have the chance!

VP Equity & Wellness | Sadie MacDonald
Hi! I'm Sadie (she/her/elle) and I'm a U3 in Bioresource Engineering. I love the program and the sense of community I've found here at mac. I am passionate about promoting student wellness and advocating for equity and inclusivity on campus. This will take the form of hosting/promoting wellness events and being mindful of how we can make our work on BESS more inclusive for everyone. This is a new position this year so any feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Please reach out if you have any concerns or ideas relating to student wellness or inclusivity in BREE, that's what I'm here for :))

VP Administrative | Victor Fourquet
Hi, my name is Victor. I am a U1 student from France. I am very excited to be the first ever VP administrative for BESS! My job will be to ensure us Bioresource students have the most pleasant time in the BREE lounge (MS 103/MS105). By the end of the year, the lounge will (hopefully) be an even nicer and cozier place for everyone to enjoy. You have some time to spare and don't know what to do? Don't hesitate to come by and say hi! If you ever want to discuss about the lounge or the program, feel free to reach out!

U0 Representative | Myriam Tahiri
Hi! My name is Myriam Tahiri. It is my first year at Mac campus as a BREE student and I am your U0 representative! So far, my experience at Mac campus has been a blast and it’s just the beginning. I love everything about it, the people, the sense of community, the campus and of course, BESS! I chose this program because the environmental cause is really dear to my heart and I aspire to find more sustainable solutions for the future. In my free time, I love cooking and I never miss an opportunity to try a new recipe. I love listening to good music and dancing. Yoga is my favourite thing to do to relieve the stress, I highly recommend. And I can’t wait for winter to go skiing! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, or just to talk about life.

U1 Representative | Maria El Dahdah
Hi everyone, my name is Maria and I am this year’s U1 representative! It is my second year at McGill as a Bioresource engineering student and I am really excited to be a part of BESS! This year, I am much more involved in the student life and joined multiple clubs as I am looking forward to meet more people and help new students know more about MAC life, especially in BREE. Feel free to reach out if you have any concerns about anything, I am a very sociable person

U2 Representative | Lara Sabo-Banicz
Hello, my name is Lara and I am the U2 rep! I am returning to BESS this year because I love being an active member of the BREE traditions. Outside of BESS, I am also the President of the Mac Pollination Meadow and Head of Operations for M3D Club.

University Affairs EUS | Flynn Vainer
Hi everyone, my name is Flynn, it’s my fourth year as a Bioresource eng student, and I am really excited to be this year’s Uni Affairs EUS! My objectives are to make sure that there is an efficient link between EUS and BESS. I’ll make sure that any concerns are communicated to BESS and I’ll let you all know about any upcoming EUS events! So feel free to reach out if you have any questions/comments or concerns or if you just want to have a chat!

U4 Representative | Raluca Ionescu
Hello, I'm Raluca, and I've been at Mac for many years now. It's always been an honor to meet and be surrounded by so many uniquely brilliant people, all brimming with a grit strong enough to birth a whole new world. I am excited to be this year's U4 representative, and look forward to sharing with you the news from BESS, and to hearing any suggestions you may have to improve your experience at Mac and within BREE.